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A Great Time at the “Passion” CD Launch Party
Published by Jeremy Webb in “Off the Leash”, The Chronicle Herald
The Rhapsody Quintet knows how to launch a CD and I’ll share with you their exclusive recipe.Pick a rainy, gusty night when no-one wants to be outside (check!) Choose a venue that supplies great food and ambiance (Le Bistro on South Park Street in Halifax will do very nicely, so check!) Pack the place with supporters, fans and friends until it is standing room only (checkity check!) Play samples of the CD to prove that it’s as good as those fans hope (and check.)
I had a delightful time cradling a lovely glass of red, listening to Rhapsody Quintet as they launched Passion, their new double disc. One disc entitled Eclectica has everything from a Beatles medley, to Nearer My God To Thee. The second disc, called Tangos, contains 13 tango tracks, all with Rhapsody’s five-piece perfection.
Stephen Cooke’s CD of the Week
From The Chronicle Herald
Major retailers couldn’t get their heart-shaped boxes of chocolate and cuddly slogan-bearing stuffed animals on the shelves fast enough once Boxing Day sent their Christmas merchandise to the discount bins.
But if you’re really compelled to get something romantic for Valentine’s Day a month ahead of time, why not buy local and give a gift that won’t wilt or expand waistlines, in the form of Rhapsody Quintet’s new double-CD Passion? The first half, titled Eclectica, is all about lighting the fire, with bright arrangements of music by the Beatles, Howard Shore’s Lord of the Rings score and a blend of exotica and jazz on the Dave Brubeck Quartet’s Take Five. CD 2 turns up the heat with 13 tangos played with grace and brio, best enjoyed by candlelight.

Fan Feedback
“It was something about today, there was magic in the air at the Public Gardens and your music was spellbinding. When you played the theme to Titanic, I had to just stop and take it all in.
I played Queen Victoria in the Gardens today though you know me from The Prince George and I have also met Diana Torbert as I work at Parkland at the Gardens. The music was perfect and meaningful to the day.
The acoustics were astounding. Thank you for your talent and everything you bring to our special City. Thank you for a wonderful performance Saturday…..It was perfect and the feedback from the audience was outstanding.”
Following a concert at the Public Gardens